Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Fourth Fisherman - Non-fiction

The Fourth Fisherman: How Three Mexican Fishermen Who Came Back from the Dead Changed My Life and Saved My Marriage

By Joe Kissack

Stranded in a small boat thousands of miles from home in the Pacific Ocean, how could 3 fishermen survive for months at sea with no supplies?  Trapped in a high powered position with nowhere to go but down, how could a man survive the demands of having it all?  Two radically different stories beautifully woven into one is the perfect description of The Fourth Fisherman.  Three Mexican fishermen left the western shores of Mexico intent on spending three days filling their boat with fish and their pockets with enough money to survive.  They could not have anticipated the tremendous storm that sent them off course, washed away their supplies, and left them adrift for nearly a year at sea.  Joe Kissack was a TV syndication executive with everything he wanted, and nothing of substance.  He tried to fill the void by spending money, drinking, and drugs.  Joe never expected that there was a much simpler answer to fulfillment.  Both the fishermen and Joe were surprised to find Jesus drawing them to Himself in the midst of hopelessness.  And in turn, finding hope for real life.

This is a fantastic story of how Jesus can bring hope to the hopeless.  I was intrigued by the description of the back of the book, and am glad to say the story is everything it promises.  The fishermen’s story is detailed, graphic, and amazing.  Over and over, I just had to read parts of their story to my husband, and tell him how much he needed to read this book when I finished!  The story of Joe’s life, and the truth about “having it all,” has never been shared in a more poignant manner.  The real cost of the high life was not money, but personal debilitating crisis and a ruined marriage.  I am so glad a friend was there with a Bible and lots of prayer to lead Joe to Jesus.  It is an encouragement to me to do the same for someone else.  Overall I give this book and A+.  I am not a non-fiction kind of person, and I couldn’t put it down!  The book is a must read (and not on an empty stomach! Take some Pepto Bismol before you start!).

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.  

The Fourth Fisherman: How Three Mexican Fishermen Who Came Back from the Dead Changed My Life and Saved My Marriage  -     
        By: Joe Kissack

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